🧭Protocol for Light Forest Explorers
The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way 道可道、非常道 (daodejing)
The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way 道可道、非常道 (daodejing)
The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way 道可道、非常道 (daodejing)
This month i’m grateful to be invited into the Kernel community as a Fellow where I'll spend some time incubating Light Forest. Kernel describes itself as a “peer-learning environment dedicated to building a better web… together, we are joyfully subverting the status quo.” I am part of
a space for regeneration
Forests are places of magic and wonder. When I close my eyes and picture myself in a forest I feel submerged in a cacophony of sounds, frequencies, and an energy of aliveness. The cool comfort of trees standing tall and still, letting light in for all beings in the forest