🧭Protocol for Light Forest Explorers
The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way 道可道、非常道 (daodejing)
These are an initial set of protocols to guide us. Naturally each of the protocols are linked and as we practice one we start to feel into and understand the others better. You may find some come easier than others thats okay. This is the beauty of being an explorer. Every step is a moment to practice and validate this for ourselves. Just remember to forgive yourself when you fall.
Over time we may start to witness an evolution into how we see the world. We can also bring this insight into in our roles as builders, designers, and thinkers.
For instance, as we think about the regeneration of the Web, we may speculate, where is technology helping me actually Play and where does it actively obstruct? What could digital spaces look like if they were optimized for these protocols? How can we build spaces that help people to take their own journeys?
As we transform internally our world starts to change.
Thank you for listening to this from wherever you are on your journey.
Creating this is part of my practice to Play!
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